OK so brace yourself because things are gonna be a little crazy this week! First of all, I have to let you know that this week’s show is the final episode of Season 1 of The FM Podcast and we’ll be back with Season 2 in a couple of months.
Make sure that you stay subscribed to the podcast though because we’ll be sending out updates and letting you know when we’ll be back.
So, our guest on the show this week is someone who I’ve known for a long time - Geoff Goddard - who is a managing partner at The Frontside Group. And when I asked Geoff to be on the show to talk about Radio Promo - he thought it might be fun to switch things up a bit + do a kind of a Wild Card episode where he interviews me instead of me interviewing him. And what we ended up with is a little bit of both. This is more of a conversation about what we’ve both learned in the business after 20 years than it is about publicity or radio promo specifically, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it + learn something new!
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