The 14th Annual Music Therapy Ride Raises Over $83,000!
Riders Braved The Wind & Rain To Raise
Money For Music Therapy In BC!
For Immediate Release:
September 8th, 2015
(Vancouver, BC) - TheMusic Therapy RideCommittee is pleased to announce that the 14th annual Music Therapy Ride raised over $83,000! The 2015 Music Therapy Ride took place on Saturday, August 29th despite riding head-on into the biggest rain and wind storm of the year. Many of the registered riders switched to cars for the police escorted ride from Vancouver to Whistler and the ride was still able to maintain 80% of the registrants.
The success of the 2015 Music Therapy Ride comes as a result of fourteen years of dedication, support and generosity. Since the first ride back in 2001, the Music Therapy Ride has raised close to $900,000 for the Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund.
"We are extremely grateful to all the wonderful participants and supporters of the Music Therapy Ride who braved the weather to step up and contribute to the success of this years ride. Stay tuned for details about our 15th anniversary in 2016 and help us achieve our goal of surpassing $1,000,000 for music therapy services." - Shaw Saltzberg & Patrick Zulinov, Co-chairmen Music Therapy Ride
The money raised from the Music Therapy Ride is used to help create new music therapy programs and expand and bring well deserved attention to existing programs. It is also used to support the building, maintenance and continued use of mobile recording studios designed specifically for music therapists called Bandwagons. These mobile studios contain recording software, sound processing equipment and a variety of musical instruments. To date, the Music Therapy Ride has funded the creation of 3 Bandwagons and assisted music therapy programs all across BC.
The Music Therapy RideCommittee would like to thank The Vancouver Police Motorcycle Drill Team for fourteen years of incredible support. The committee would also like to thank High Valley, Shaun Verreault, Edgewater Casino, Chances Squamish, Garibaldi Lift Co., the local music industry, extensive media partners and the motorcycle community.
For more information on the Music Therapy Ride or to make a donation to the Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund:
Click here for 2015 Music Therapy Ride photos (Photo Credit: Ron Sombilon)
Twitter: @mtrbc
Instagram: @musictherapyride